Wednesday, March 7, 2012

what to eat for breakfast......

What should I eat for breakfast? Should I just skip it and save on my daily calories? Maybe ill just grab a muffin or a whole wheat bagel...  I think we have all had one of these thoughts at some point in time and I wanted to shed some light on breakfast. 

First the average muffin can have anywhere from 300 calories to 470 like the Starbucks blueberry muffin. It also has 24 grams of fat and 32 grams of sugar. So basically a muffin is NEVER a good idea ;)

Second bagels: the average bagel is equal to 5 slices of bread. The average piece of bread has 70 calories and the average bagel has 360. I am NOT saying never eat a bagel because a bagel and cream cheese is actually one of my favorite things. I just want to introduce a new way of eating a bagel. Have you ever heard of scooping?  Its as simple as removing the bagel's innards and by removing them you will cut so many extra carbs and calories. Now you have room to sprinkle low fat cheese and toast!

My favorite/most balanced/easy breakfast is oatmeal or overnight oats. Overnight oats are just a new spin on oatmeal which will help add a little variety to your morning. 
BENEFITS of oatmeal- stays in your stomach longer so you don't need to snack, lowers your cholesterol, low in fat, pure and high levels of fiber.

basic oatmeal recipe -
 1/4 cup of instant oats, cover in filtered water and microwave for 45 seconds 
-sprinkle in cinnamon and half a packet of stevia
-add a spoonful of sliced almonds for protein
-1 strawberry, 1/2 a banana, 1/2 a kiwi 
**please try this for breakfast, it is so good and so healthy. It will start your morning off right and kick start you metabolism

OVERNIGHT OATS- a new spin on oatmeal
 – overnight oats are simply plain rolled oats or instant oats that soak up liquid overnight in the fridge. You can use any type and combination of liquid ingredients you like, but my favorite is unsweetened vanilla almond milk and sometimes yogurt.

INSTRUCTIONS- the night before,  combine 1/4 cup of oats, cover oats in unsweetened vanilla almond milk, add cinnamon and stevia. (a scoop of o% greek yogurt, optional). Stir and put in fridge.

The next morning add fruit and nuts for a cold delicious breakfast!

** to keep verity in your oatmeal, try adding chia seeds, walnuts, dried fruit, peaches, a scoop of peanut butter, scoop of almond butter, blueberries, blackberries, or unsweetened granola for some crunch


  1. Good Morning.. YUMMY ideas on how to start breakfast~ Thanks! Doing overnight oats tonight!

  2. What a great way to start the day!! Thanks for the tips!

  3. Crazy.... But if you are in a hurry? A spoonful of dry oat bran is pretty filling! Might me a little dry but serves the purpose!

  4. Yummy!!! I love oatmeal!! I'll have to try this...
