Saturday, March 10, 2012

fitness tip....

Looking to drop some excess fat? Here's a simple solution that actually works: Carb Control.

 Eating carbohydrates isn't all bad. The time of day that you eat them is the most important factor in reducing weight.

Although fruits and vegetables are carbohydrates, we are only referring to complex carbohydrates: breads, rice, pasta, potatoes, grains and refined sugar.  Yes, cookies, chips and crackers fall into this category  ;)

Complex carbohydrates are those that convert into stored fat if not utilized.

Try to avoid all complex carbohydrates and sugars after 3pm. Instead, eat only lean meats, poultry, fish, fruit and vegetables after 3pm. Of course, don't overload with carbs earlier in the day either.

Add an extra edge by drinking only water after 3pm.

After a few weeks, you should begin feeling a difference in how your clothes fit around your mid-section.

Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Great tips; the water one is very interesting. Also I tried the 10 minute amazing toning workouts and they are awesome.. very challenging and only take 10 minutes! Thanks. They are perfect for me to do with a new baby!
