Monday, March 12, 2012

10min toning....

Have any of you been to a Core Fusion class or one of those Barre classes? Well if you have you will know what a killer work out they are, and sometimes I wonder how 2lb weights can kick my butt?? The whole "Core Fusion/ Barre" class concept is high energy, no impact, micro movements with 2-3lb weights. This combination creates MY ideal body figure, long lean toned muscles.

Unfortunately we do not have any barre classes in Lubbock so I was ecstatic when I found web videos. They are 10 minute clips of different segments from the class. I have been doing the body sculpt  10 min video at night for 5 nights and can HONESTLY say I can tell a slight difference in my arms.

The videos are perfect for a quick workout when you are out of time, if  you
 are in a town that doesn't offer classes, or if you are on vacation and want a killer workout you can do in your hotel room.

If you click on the core fusion link up top you can find the full dvds they sell but for me the 10 min clips work better...... I have purchased many workout dvds in the past, convincing my self that I will do them in my living room and that last about 3 days! To me there is nothing more boring then doing an exercise video alone in your quite living room ;) So be realistic with yourself and just add a 10min clip to your daily exercise routine!

 **all you need is a set of 2 or 3lb weights

I would love to hear if you guys like these clips as much as I do or if they make your body ache like they do mine!! 

**Also if you have an exhale spa in your town check out a real core fusion class, or google barre class in your town and see what pops up.  I actually believe these workouts can transform your body.


  1. Oh wow! with the 2 kids at home this is my lifesaver!! I need the toning and have no time. you're the best!! thanks for the info

  2. Awesome! I actually tried the arms and leg toning videos last week when I saw them on your website and they WORKED! My legs were shaking after 3 minutes and my arms were very sore the next day.. I could barely pick up my 14lb baby:-) Thanks

  3. Can't wait to try these. I am so busy... Videos like this are perfect for me! Thanks Boog!
