Monday, March 19, 2012

21 days.....

There are always things popping up our lives that we think we can never quite, we think its impossible. I have friends that say they can never get into exercising, or they could never change the way they eat and live.... Well  I wanted to share this AMAZING fact with you guys and give you some encouragement..........

Scientists say it takes 21 days to break a bad habit or establish a healthy one. 21 days. In just three weeks, you can change your life. And it doesn't matter how long the bad habit lasted. It still just takes 21 days to retrain your mind and body to crave healthy things.  

** it might feel like a long 21 days but in the grand scheme of things, its NOTHING!



  1. That is so inspiring and make you realize you can change your life so easily! A great fact for a Monday!
