Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Omega 101.....

One thing I had always had a really hard time with was making sure I got enough Omega Oils. The benefits of Omega Oils are endless... the help the quality of your hair and skin, bone strength, inflammation and pain, brain function, depression, heart disease, high blood pressure and many more.  Being that I am not a fish eater I was lost. I started taking supplements which was a complete pain because it became a total science... if I didn't take them in the morning I would forget but if I took them with not enough food in my stomach I would spend the rest of day burping up fish, which is a non fish eaters worst nightmare. A few months ago I discovered Omega Swirl by Barlean's Organic Oils.

It was the perfect fix. They have so many flavors and honestly they all are delicious. My favorite is the mango/peach but the orange 3-6-9 has the most Omega's.
I was worried that it was too good to be true, so I started comparing the supplement facts and discovered that on average a person has to take anywhere from 4 to 6 capsules a day to even come close to taking as much Omegas as 1 tablespoon of the 3-6-9 Omega Swirl.    I have compared the Omega Swirl to two common know brands of oils, Nordic Naturals Complete Omega 3-6-9 and Nature Made Triple Omega.

Omega Swirl

Nordic Naturals
Nature Made

Omega Swirl costs -23.96, you have to take 1tablespoon and it will last you for 30 days.
Nature Made cost -22. 10 for 180 capsules and you will need to take around 6 capsules a day, to get the same amount of Omega Oils as 1tablespoon of Omega Swirl, and the supply will last you the same 30 days...
Nordic Naturals cost- 40.76 for 180 pills, again having to take around 6 capsules a day as well for a 30 day supply.

That is crazy, I already take enough supplements to make my head spin. I can't imagine adding 6 more a day. I guess the moral to the story is just be aware of what is out there and take your time to compare your facts, that way you can make sure your getting your moneys worth and filling your body with as much goodness as possible!

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea how much good was in the Barlean's Organic Oils.. Hopefully they carry that brand in Australia.. I am going to get it today:-) Thanks for the fabulous facts!
