Wednesday, March 28, 2012

chi chi chia...........

Chia Seed Pudding.....

Have y'all ever heard of chia seeds? Well my sister Wesley and friend Lindsay have been trying to get me to add them to my diet and I thought what better way then through dessert.

A little chia info..........chia seeds are high in essential fatty acids, protein and soluble fiber.   They are also a good source of antioxidants and have more than 6 times more Calcium than milk, more than 3 times more Iron than spinach and more than 15 times more Magnesium than broccoli.   They absorb more than 8 times their body weight in water, forming a mucilaginous gel, which causes a slower release of carbs, keeping the sensation of fullness for longer.   They also act as a bulking agent, helping to cleanse and soothe the large bowel, absorbing toxins and strengthening peristaltic movement.
Really good for the gut!

So yesterday morning I decided to try this dessert. I was pretty doubtful about it, and of course it completely surprised me. IT WAS SOOOOO GOOD.

Ingredients : Chia seeds 

 Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk, Stevia, Cinnamon, 1/4 a banana, 
 **2 strawberries, sliced almonds (optional)

Do this in the morning because it takes about 6 or more hours to get into the pudding consistency.

1) mix in a bowl 2.5 tablespoons of chia seeds with 2 cups of almond milk
2)stir on and off every minute for 10 minutes (helps to prevent clumping)
3)add a few liquid drops of stevia
4) a teaspoon of cinnamon
5)chop your banana super small and drop it in.
6) mix it all again, cover and put in the refrigerator

-then when it is ready to be served top it with some sliced almonds and strawberries for a little extra 

to keep variety in it, add a bit of peanut butter, blueberries, walnuts, coco powder or even chocolate flavored soy or almond milk


1 comment:

  1. YUM~ I have never added the bananas to the pudding; doing it right now. So glad you are adding Chia seeds to your diet:-) Thanks for posting another tasty treat!
