Tuesday, March 27, 2012

cocktail time......

As I was sitting here thinking about what I should blog about today, my friend Abby called... Mid conversation we started talking about her weekend, cocktails and her new love for Skinny Girl Margaritas ;) And for those of you who know me, you know my complete and utter love for SKINNY MARGS! I think I can say not being able to have one on a hot summer day was the hardest thing about being prego...

 It is easy for on the go, super convenient for a quick cocktail and only like $12 bucks. 

But I thought today I would share the recipe I use to make my home-maid drinks. I also share this recipe with every bartender and waiter I order a drink from...... This recipe guarantees the freshest taste and is super low in calories.  Try to find bottles that say "100% agave" or just "pure agave". As a general rule, you'll probably get the best quality drink by buying the brand with the highest percentage agave that you can afford. By law tequila must be made with 50% of the juice of blue agave, so then the cheaper brands end up just using cane syrups or sugar for the other 50%.
**so keep that in mind next time your shopping -added sugar is the devil. It is cellulite, fat, calories and a hangover waiting to happen.

Boog's Fav Margarita-

a beautiful glass w/ salt on the rim and crushed ice
a few fresh lime wedges
2 oz of clear tequila
2 oz of Grand Marnier or Triple Sec (which ever you can afford)
1 oz of fresh lime juice
a pinch of salt 

remember you can eat or drink anything you just need to be smart about it


  1. YUM~ I love this post and LOVE Boog's Fav Margarita recipe. I can confirm by drinking experience that her margarita is the BEST and Freshest around..I am still trying to master making it as good as Boog! Thanks for the recipe.. My friends and I are going to bring the Skinny Margarita Mix on our weekend away for Easter! So easy and healthy!

  2. This post makes me want to sit by the pool in Vegas with a margarita... Good thing Trav is booking our flights today! ;)
