Tuesday, April 10, 2012

take your belongings with you.........

So after learning the hard way, I wanted to give everyone a friendly reminder to take your purse out of you car!!! I get so comfortable with the bubble we live in that I started leaving my purse in my car. Last night the robbers were out ;) They hit up a handful of homes in our neighborhood, boooo!

So I hope this reminder might keep y'all from getting your stuff stolen.

*tip of the day, adding a few drops of Aloe Vera juice to your smoothie will boost your metabolism and help you loose a few lbs

1 comment:

  1. Oh NO:-( I am so sorry about your purse! Those robbers have some bad Karma coming their way! Thanks for the Aloe Vera plant tip. They had an Aloe plant at the cabin we were staying at over the weekend and had a list of all the good things Aloe can do for you:-) I was thinking about buying one for home, and now your blog has convinced me:-)
