Monday, April 23, 2012

LOVEly handles....

So I go to yoga, do a weight class, go to shred and now tabata..... all which require you to use your ABBs to get through the class. We also do crunches and all sorts of movements and my ABBs rarely feel sore, (and trust me they need to be sore) until my tabata class last night.  In yoga we do plank and forearm plank all the time, sometimes even rotating our hips to get our obliques. Still not effecting me much... Well after last nights class I realize I just wasn't doing enough of them!!! Today I could barely bend over to put Owen in the car ;)

If you want to rid your self of your LOVE handles then seriously do this 3 times a week. It is the best and worst feeling!   

Put your body in forearm plank, then slowly rotate your hips side to side almost touching your hip to the ground. Then move to the other side and go back and forth.  I included these images I found online so you can see the exact movement.

SLOW is better, so often we race through ABB work because we think "more" is better but actually slow and steady is better. 

Do 8 rounds of 25 seconds. In between give your ABBs a rest, maybe even squeeze in 10 push up a round so that your not just sitting there waisting time !


1 comment:

  1. Boog- this is what we do in my cardio ballet/ballet body class! It is the hardest! I need to do it for like another year, but it def. kills me! xoxo
