Friday, April 13, 2012

clean green.....

Its always a debate, do I use all green/natural cleaners or do I mix and match? Sometimes I hate to admit it, but I buy the non natural cleaner just because of the price..... I know ridiculous, but true ;)  So I was so glad when I read this blog about the benefits of baking soda. Yes the super cheap stuff from the grocery store... You can make your own cleaner cheap and easy..

Counter tops, tile and other surfaces: sprinkle baking soda on a damp cloth, wipe and rinse with water

Burnt food on pots and pans: Soak the pot overnight with a scoop of baking soda in hot water, food will just fall off

Surface Stains: Use baking soda paste (3parts baking soda, one part water), apply and leave on overnight, then scrub or wipe clean

Carpet odors: Sprinkle with baking soda, let it stand for at least 15 min and vacuum. (Good for people w/ cats like me :)

*** also so random,  A spoonful of baking soda in a large glass of water can alleviate the symptoms of arthritis, heartburn, infections, indigestion and reduce  acidity in the body.

Happy Clean Weekend


  1. I loved this cleaning info! I am always torn about what to use around my babies as well. Baking soda will be my new go to item. Also, my friend has horrible arthritis so I passed the tip along to her. thanks!

  2. Thanks for the info; I was just having this conversation with my husband about using Windex in the house with our 9 month old! Now I have the answer, baking soda, green and cheap!
