Tuesday, April 3, 2012

oil head......

My sister recently sent me a link to one of her blogs she reads and as I was reading through some of their old posts, I fell in love with this one..... I think it was speaking to me because recently I completely changed the color of my hair. I went from DARK brown to SUPER blonde, and as much as I love it I hide from the fact that I completely fried my hair. I have been buying expensive conditioners and hair mask and am actually spent out. The recipe below says it will moisturize, condition and truly make your hair shine! So yay its free and I can not wait to try it. Let me know if it works for you too!

Here's how to create your own cheap hair mask-
  • In a glass jar, combine 5 or 6 drops of your favorite essential oil with 1/2 cup of high-quality extra virgin olive oil. Mix well and stick it in the fridge for an hour.
  • Rinse your hair with warm water and drape a towel around your shoulders.

  • Scoop a tablespoon or so of the mask into your hands and gently massage into your entire scalp with your fingertips. Massage or comb the mask through your hair with wide-tooth comb, adding a little extra to the ends of your hair.

  • Wrap your hair in a towel or shower cap and let the mask soak into the hair for 30 minutes to an hour.

  • Rinse and shampoo as usual.
  • If you prefer a tropical scent, make this hair mask with extra virgin coconut oil instead. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad you like that blog.. I can't wait to try this.. Free things are the best!
