Wednesday, May 2, 2012

tone it up...

I found this on a favorite blog of mine and HAD to share it!
"Has your busy schedule left your face looking less than glowing? Having a facial toner on hand is the magic trick. It;s the perfect compliment to your daily cleanser: It balances the pH levels (neutralizes oiliness) and removes make up residues you cleanser might've missed. Not to mention, toners aid in banishing that awful t-zone.

DIY Lemon Mint Toner
1 organic peppermint tea bag1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
¼  cup witch hazel1 cup boiling water

Steep a peppermint tea bag in boiling water for 10 minutes. Remove the tea bag and let cool to room temperature. Add the lemon juice and witch hazel and cool mixture in the refrigerator. (Storing in a glass Mason jar works very well) When chilled, dab on a cotton ball and gently swipe over entire face for a quick and refreshing toner that will tighten pores while reducing any irritations from impurities.
Hot tip!
   * If your skin is prone to oiliness add ⅓ cup of apple cider vinegar to the above toner. It will help to further restore the pH balance of your skin and rid of any excess residue from make up and toxic environmental by products.

****Witch hazel is an astringent produced from the leaves and bark of the North American Witch-hazel shrub (Hamamelis virginiana), which grows naturally from Nova Scotia west to Ontario, Canada, and south to Florida and Texas in the United States.[1] This plant extract was widely used for medicinal purposes by American Indians and is a component of a variety of commercial healthcare products.  

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