Wednesday, May 9, 2012

almond butter.....

I first bought almond butter when my son started going to mother day out. Due to all of the peanut allergies they do not allow any thing with peanuts in your kids lunch box....... So I found an alternative "almond butter/jelly sandwiches!!!" Plus almonds are healthier then peanuts.  I was super annoyed of my first few jars, they were expensive and dried up in like a freaking week.... WASTEFUL!! I was almost over almond butter until I discovered this brand..
I found mine in my grocery store. You keep it in your refrigerator after opening and it stays moist for SO long. We have had ours open for probably a 2 months now!! It is so creamy and Delicious.

BENEFITS of almond butter:

1. Good for the Heart
The number one health benefit of almond butter is that it is good for the heart. It is rich in monounsaturated fats, which are the type of fats that reduce levels of cholesterol and decrease the risk of heart ailments. Dipping your biscuit in almond butter or spreading it on top of your bread certainly gives your heart a healthy boost.

2. Lower Blood Pressure
Almond butter is also known for lowering blood pressure because it can decrease cholesterol levels. When cholesterol accumulates in the blood vessels of the body, it makes it difficult for blood to flow more freely to different organs. When this happens, the heart will pump more strongly and this can result in high blood pressure. Lowering the cholesterol will also lower blood pressure. Apart from that, almond butter also contains minerals that are effective in reducing blood pressure. These minerals are calcium, potassium, and magnesium, which work hand in hand to decrease the pressure and resistance in the blood vessels to maintain the proper level of blood pressure.

3. Control Blood Sugar
Almond butter is a sweet and tasty dessert that will not do any damage to your blood sugar levels. In fact, it can even help control levels of blood sugar in your body by reducing the sudden increase in blood sugar and insulin which usually happens after you eat a carbohydrate-packed meal. This makes it an ideal part of the meal if you are suffering from diabetes.

4. Rich in Antioxidants
Oxidative stress is a common problem in today’s society. Free radicals that do cellular damage to your body are present everywhere. This is why it is important to have proper intake of antioxidants, such as vitamin E and flavonoids, which fortunately can be found in almond butter. Almond butter, thus helps protect cells from oxidative stress and reduces the risk of heart disease and other ailments associated with it.

5. Help With Weight Control
There is a common misconception about nuts and weight gain. Since nuts, such as almonds, are high in calories, many people who are on a weight loss program tend to avoid eating them. However, you should know that almonds are high in protein, fiber, and monounsaturated fats. They’re also incredibly delicious! People who eat nuts are less likely to become overweight than those who avoid them.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!! I loved this brand of almond butter when I was at your house! The creamiest almond butter I have eaten:-)
