Monday, September 24, 2012

ginger lime vinaigrette......

This is the perfect "Asian style" dressing.. it is super fresh and low in calorie!

1 inch of fresh ginger grated
small tbsp of minced garlic
3 tbsp of fish sauce (I used Bragg's soy sauce b/c I don't use fish sauce ;)
juice from 3 Sm limes
3 tbsp of sesame oil
-mix and store in the fridge

**salad idea to put it on...  

spinach, THINLY sliced bell peppers, thin cucumbers, edamame, fresh tomatoes, 1/4 cup of cooked rice noodles,  and a 3 oz of rotisserie chicken

for daily convenience, pre chop veggies and cook the rice noodles and edamame at the beginning of the week, then build your salad day by day! I do this every week with different ingredients.

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