Tuesday, September 25, 2012

cocoa snacks....

I have been looking for some good "treats" to pack in Owen's lunch box and for afternoon snacks....I discovered these two delish cocoa snacks.  Notice I used Cocoa and not chocolate, obviously they are one in the same but when you are eating or buying things that use cocoa powder it usually doesn't have all the added fat and sugar as a chocolate  flavored snack does. Not only were these two a good discovery for Owen (because he eats the somersault ones the same way he would an Oreo cookie) but they are a new favorite of MINE too. A handful is just enough to fill your sweet tooth after lunch or dinner and won't break your days work of health and exercise.

Nutrition info -- 14 pieces (5 normally does the trick for me )
calories- 140    fat-7g    protein-6g    sugar-4g    carbs 17g

and all the ingredients are ALL NATURAL!!!!!!! so your body actually knows how to digest them

these cookies are tasty but not quite as tasty as Somarsaults

Nutrition info: 18 pieces
calories- 160    fat-9g      carbs 17g      sugar- 11g       protein 2g

-- you can probably find these are your local grocery store, on their website or on amazon.com--


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