Monday, August 13, 2012

tighten cellulite....

I hate to admit it but since I have become pregnant, I have noticed new lovely cellulite on my legs that I never had before...... I work out 5 days a week and eat pretty healthy. Plus I'm going on 4 1/2 months and have only put on about 8 pounds. So in my head I don't deserve cellulite ;) ha!!  Well it doesn't work like that, I started googling pregnancy cellulite causes and cures and kept finding articles on Dry Brushing. So then I started researching dry brushing and am now hooked!!!

(click for an amazing article that describes, how, why and BENEFITS of dry brushing! Below are a few facts and benefits, but please read the full article, I promise you will be hooked)

Dry brushing is brushing your body with a brush made specifically for skin, while your body is dry, to get dead cells off your skin. Using a dry brush massage, also called skin brushing, will help promote lymph flow as well as circulation. It's a simple technique that may help diminish the appearance of cellulite and help you to build stronger connective tissue, aid in removing toxins from the body and promote toned and supple skin, advises Ann Louise Gittleman, author of "The Fat Flush Fitness Plan." Dry brushing is one of the absolute best things that you can do for the largest organ of your body--the skin. 
Why Dry Brush?
Benefits of Dry Brushing 
• Detox your body
• Lose weight
• Lose cellulite
• Feel better
Dry brushing will not solve ALL of your problems, especially if you are not taking care of yourself in other ways, such as diet and exercise. However, it is a great way to supplement your personal care.
  • Skin is the largest body organ you have. In the average adult it covers about 3000 square inches and weighs around six pounds, which is nearly twice the weight of the human brain or liver.
  • The skin receives about one third of the blood that circulates through the body.
  • The skin can regenerate and repair itself under most conditions, but it does need good building blocks to help with this task.
  • Our skin is the first agent that comes in contact with the outside world and protects our bodies, as much as it can, from chemicals and bacteria. Skin is slightly acidic to kill off bad bacteria and prevent it from entering our body.
  • The skin is also responsible for dissipation of sweat and allows secretion. Sweat brings out toxins from our body which end up on our skin. As such, skin is responsible for ¼ of the body’s detoxification each day! Just how much is that? About 2 lbs [about 1 kilo] of waste acids daily, most of it through sweat glands.
  • The skin is also known as our third kidney due to its responsibility to get rid of toxins in your body.
  • Our skin is the last to receive nutrients in the body, yet the first to show signs of imbalance or deficiency.

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