Wednesday, August 15, 2012

rice paper....

Rice paper rolls are so easy to make and really can be made out of anything you have in your fridge. Rice paper it's self is about 20 calories a sheet and can last in the pantry for a long time. I try to always have them on hand. I'm going to share with y'all what I put in mine but literally you can stick anything in you want in them, shrimp, veggies, beef, turkey options are endless...... 
My version is an Asian roll I made one night trying to re-create the rolls at Pei Wei

Ingredients: Rice Paper
sliced cabbage
chopped peanuts
rotisserie chicken 
chopped basil
chopped mint
green onions
shredded carrots
rice noodles
a lime
low fat sesame ginger dressing

Dressing - mix some sesame dressing and lime juice in a bowl. We will drizzle a tiny bit of this mixture into each roll to had that fresh zing!

Steps- I like to have two plates next to one another, one with water on it and one dry for wrapping. Take a piece of rice paper and let it sit in the water until it is completely soft. Then CAREFULLY move the sheet to the dry plate. Add some of each ingredient to the center of the rice paper and drizzle some dressing on top. Last pull an edge over the ingredients and wrap them up. I included step by step pictures because its to hard to explain!

I always make mine before dinner and let them sit in the fridge for about 30 minutes to get nice and cold.  On the side offer 3 dipping sauces - 
**mix mustard and horseradish for the perfect spicy mustard
** chili paste
** low sodium soy sauce, or Braggs (my fav) its a soy sauce alternative
 Bragg Liquid Aminos is a Certified NON-GMO liquid protein concentrate, derived from soybeans, that contains the following Essential and Non-essential Amino Acids in naturally occurring amounts:
Bragg Liquid Aminos is a Certified NON-GMO liquid protein concentrate, derived from healthy soybeans, that contains the following Essential and Non-essential Amino Acids in naturally occurring amounts:

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