Thursday, August 16, 2012

beautiful arms.....

To me there is nothing better then beautiful arms!! A blogger i fallow is going this challenge for her wedding but I figure we don't need to be a bride to have lovely arms, so I thought I would challenge you guys..... I would use 3-5 pound weights depending on your exercise abilities and commit to doing this 5 DAYS A WEEK for one month and truly believe we will all see a difference. She also recommended doing it around 3 o'clock for a little afternoon boost and metabolism jump start. Even if you are at work it takes 8 min and you can do it right next to your desk.

Pinned Image
5 days a week, 1 month repeat 2 to 3 times depending on your day ;)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

rice paper....

Rice paper rolls are so easy to make and really can be made out of anything you have in your fridge. Rice paper it's self is about 20 calories a sheet and can last in the pantry for a long time. I try to always have them on hand. I'm going to share with y'all what I put in mine but literally you can stick anything in you want in them, shrimp, veggies, beef, turkey options are endless...... 
My version is an Asian roll I made one night trying to re-create the rolls at Pei Wei

Ingredients: Rice Paper
sliced cabbage
chopped peanuts
rotisserie chicken 
chopped basil
chopped mint
green onions
shredded carrots
rice noodles
a lime
low fat sesame ginger dressing

Dressing - mix some sesame dressing and lime juice in a bowl. We will drizzle a tiny bit of this mixture into each roll to had that fresh zing!

Steps- I like to have two plates next to one another, one with water on it and one dry for wrapping. Take a piece of rice paper and let it sit in the water until it is completely soft. Then CAREFULLY move the sheet to the dry plate. Add some of each ingredient to the center of the rice paper and drizzle some dressing on top. Last pull an edge over the ingredients and wrap them up. I included step by step pictures because its to hard to explain!

I always make mine before dinner and let them sit in the fridge for about 30 minutes to get nice and cold.  On the side offer 3 dipping sauces - 
**mix mustard and horseradish for the perfect spicy mustard
** chili paste
** low sodium soy sauce, or Braggs (my fav) its a soy sauce alternative
 Bragg Liquid Aminos is a Certified NON-GMO liquid protein concentrate, derived from soybeans, that contains the following Essential and Non-essential Amino Acids in naturally occurring amounts:
Bragg Liquid Aminos is a Certified NON-GMO liquid protein concentrate, derived from healthy soybeans, that contains the following Essential and Non-essential Amino Acids in naturally occurring amounts:

Monday, August 13, 2012

tighten cellulite....

I hate to admit it but since I have become pregnant, I have noticed new lovely cellulite on my legs that I never had before...... I work out 5 days a week and eat pretty healthy. Plus I'm going on 4 1/2 months and have only put on about 8 pounds. So in my head I don't deserve cellulite ;) ha!!  Well it doesn't work like that, I started googling pregnancy cellulite causes and cures and kept finding articles on Dry Brushing. So then I started researching dry brushing and am now hooked!!!

(click for an amazing article that describes, how, why and BENEFITS of dry brushing! Below are a few facts and benefits, but please read the full article, I promise you will be hooked)

Dry brushing is brushing your body with a brush made specifically for skin, while your body is dry, to get dead cells off your skin. Using a dry brush massage, also called skin brushing, will help promote lymph flow as well as circulation. It's a simple technique that may help diminish the appearance of cellulite and help you to build stronger connective tissue, aid in removing toxins from the body and promote toned and supple skin, advises Ann Louise Gittleman, author of "The Fat Flush Fitness Plan." Dry brushing is one of the absolute best things that you can do for the largest organ of your body--the skin. 
Why Dry Brush?
Benefits of Dry Brushing 
• Detox your body
• Lose weight
• Lose cellulite
• Feel better
Dry brushing will not solve ALL of your problems, especially if you are not taking care of yourself in other ways, such as diet and exercise. However, it is a great way to supplement your personal care.
  • Skin is the largest body organ you have. In the average adult it covers about 3000 square inches and weighs around six pounds, which is nearly twice the weight of the human brain or liver.
  • The skin receives about one third of the blood that circulates through the body.
  • The skin can regenerate and repair itself under most conditions, but it does need good building blocks to help with this task.
  • Our skin is the first agent that comes in contact with the outside world and protects our bodies, as much as it can, from chemicals and bacteria. Skin is slightly acidic to kill off bad bacteria and prevent it from entering our body.
  • The skin is also responsible for dissipation of sweat and allows secretion. Sweat brings out toxins from our body which end up on our skin. As such, skin is responsible for ¼ of the body’s detoxification each day! Just how much is that? About 2 lbs [about 1 kilo] of waste acids daily, most of it through sweat glands.
  • The skin is also known as our third kidney due to its responsibility to get rid of toxins in your body.
  • Our skin is the last to receive nutrients in the body, yet the first to show signs of imbalance or deficiency.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

farmers market......

Today's post is mostly for my readers in my home town, this is a revamped, up and coming event in Lubbock and in hopes that it can grow to every weekend we need to get the word out!!  You would think that living in a town of "farmers" we would have the best farmers market ever.. and sadly enough in the 6 years I have lived here we have had close to nothing.  SO FINALLY GO LUBBOCK! If your around this Saturday please come out.

For those of you who have a farmers market, get out this weekend and go support your local growers! Plus the advantages of eating locally grown organic foods are endless and the taste is not comparable to what you get at your grocery store. Its refreshing to be able to talk to the growers too and ask them specifically how and what they use to grow their products.

Happy Eating!

Farmers Market THIS Saturday * 9-3 * 19th & buddy holly
lubbock downtown farmers market ad 8.11.12

market THIS Saturday! 

Come out, bring a friend & your own bag! It will be sure to come home full of fresh local food & fine local crafts! 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

beautiful clothes......

I completely fell in love with this girl's Etsy page after seeing one dress! Everything in her store is super cute and looks like the perfect weekend comfortable wear.
Check it out!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

bagel bites...........

Growing up I have to admit that bagel bites were for sure one of my top 5 favorite foods, along with Taquitos and Spaghettio's I have actually been conflicted about buying these and feeding them to Owen because they are SO fake. So, I was thrilled when Wesley sent me this recipe for 


There are so many great things about this flax crust. It’s totally flourless. It has four ingredients. It’s gluten-free. Thanks to the fiber level, it’s got almost no net carbs. Oh, and it has a crapton of Omega-3s and protein.  I plan on cooking these for dinner tonight, but the girl that first blogged about them said "Flavor and texture-wise, it doesn’t have that doughy, crunchy texture of normal pizza crust, but it does have an amazing, nutty, fluffy texture that makes one heck of a good pizza. "

  • 1 cup finely-ground flaxseed
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/2 cup pizza sauce
  • 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • Your favorite pizza toppings ( this is where i always sneak in good veggies, so I would grill up any you have in your fridge and throw them under the cheese!)


  1. Preheat oven to 400°. Spray a baking sheet with cooking spray.
  2. In a medium mixing bowl, combine flax, eggs, Parmesan and oregano. Mixture will be sticky. Let rest for 5-10 minutes or until the crust is easy-to-handle.
  3. To make pizza bites, take a small amount of the dough and form into a ball roughly 1-1/2″-2″ in diameter. Press into a flat, thin disc (about 1/4″ thick) and place on the prepared baking sheet. Repeat with remaining dough. You should have enough dough to make about a dozen mini crusts.
  4. Bake in preheated oven for 8-10 minutes or until the dough is golden brown. Remove from oven, top with pizza sauce, toppings and cheese. Return to oven for 8-10 minutes or until the cheese is browned and bubbly.
I hope you will try them too!!!!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

summer sippers......


Owen and I made this today because it was another HOT day in Lubbock.. It was so good and refreshing and as soon as I'm not prego, I will be adding a little vodka to make it the perfect low calorie, low sugar frozen cocktail!

1 cup of seedless watermelon
1 cup of frozen strawberries (I used fresh)
1 kiwi peeled 
3/4 cup of cold green tea 
1 cup of ice if you use fresh strawberries, or 1/2 cup if you use frozen
couple drops of stevia

throw it all in the blender and serve!!!