Monday, July 30, 2012


The first time I tried hemp seeds I was in the hospital after I had given birth. The doctors kept saying how important it was to make sure that with-in 3 days I had used the bathroom... So Clayton went to our natural food store and discovered hemp seeds. THEY WORKED!!! They are a crazy source of fiber and are actually pretty good. Until I found happy hemp, I just added them to my oatmeal in the morning. Happy Hemp actually makes a toasted hemp seed, that is so good. Its crunchy and salty. Now even Owen munches on it as an afternoon snack. I recommend going to their site and checking it out. You can do a one time purchase or you can do a monthly plan. I PROMISE you will not be disappointed.

Hemp-ology- hemp seeds are one of the most nutritious and delicious foods on earth. Adding hemp to any food gives it a healthy dose of protein, fiber and essential amino an heart healthy fatty acids. Hemp seeds are great for digestion, weight management, hair, skin, nails, immune boost, increased energy and lowering cholesterol. Happy Hemp packs enough protein and fiber in each spoonful t ensure that your body and ind are fueled for the marathon of modern life!

Monday, July 23, 2012

just do it......

This was today's well daily and I could not agree more!!!!  I feel like I have had this conversation with so many friends struggling to get in to a routine......

We all love the feeling of being fit and that post-workout glow that comes with it; but the combination of big goals and chaotic schedules can often get in the way of our routine. So how do you make fitness a non-negotiable in your daily routine?
Here are a few of our favorite methods to make it stick:
1. Stick with it! Do what you love, but be open to shaking things up. Love Ashtanga yoga? Try Hatha or add a little heat to your next class.
2. Try before you buy! Give the schedule and the location a trial week or two before you commit to a package or membership.
3. Pencil it in! Write out your weekly workouts on your calendar at the start of each week. Know your days, times and set reminders in your calendar.
4. Tune up as needed! Life and schedules change. Go to that dinner date, but  remember to reschedule your next workout. 
5. Eat for energy! Choose minimally or non-processed foods. Vibrant, healthy foods support your body and mind as you commit to being fit.
6. Pack a bag! You won't have time to convince yourself to skip out on that workout with a bag that's already packed with all the things you
Commit to trying this because it does help. Each week I look at my yoga, pilates and studio57 schedule to determine which exercise I should do on what day and then I just commit to showing up! Good luck and CHEERS TO HEALTHY LIVING!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

vintage clothes......

If you get some time over the weekend, check out my new ETSY page. It has been a work in progress but I am super excited about finally being able to share my love for vintage with everyone out there!!

These are a few of my favorite things........

Please pass on this link!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

turkey meatballs.......

These healthy turkey meatballs are delicious. I put them in Paul Newman Marinara sauce, on top of my spaghetti squash and it is so yummy!!! Also if you have extra keep them in your fridge and have two meatballs for your 3 O'clock pick me up!
  • 12oz extra lean ground turkey
  • 1 egg
  • ½ cup quick oats
  • 2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp dehydrated onion
  • 1 tsp dried basil leaves
  • ½ tsp dried oregano
  • 1 tbsp dried parsley
  • 1 tbsp Parmesan cheese
  • Salt and Pepper
Preheat your broiler.
Add all ingredients in a bowl and mix with your hands until well blended.
Spray a boiler pan non-stick cooking spray.
Weigh out 1.5oz and form into 10 meatballs.
Place the meat balls on the broiler pan and cook for about 8-10 minutes turning once.
Note: This may not cook them through; I normally continue to cook in the sauce.
I’m counting 2 meatballs as a serving to make 5 servings.
Approx Nutritional Information Per Serving
ServingsAmount per ServingCaloriesFatFiberWWPs
52 meatballs1252.5g1g2.5

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

boost your metabolism........

The metabolism can be a tricky thing—some of us were blessed with speedy metabolic rates, while others didn’t get so lucky. But it’s not all doom and gloom for the slow pokes, there are some tried and true natural ways to revv up the metabolism and make it work in your favor.
  • Drink Up: It’s true what they say, try to drink at least 6-8 glasses a day. Water acts as a catalyst in the metabolic process by facilitating liver function and moving fuel fluidly through the body and eliminating waste.
  • Sip Green Tea: The natural antioxidants coupled with low levels of caffeine present in green tea are the reasons why studies show that regular consumption can boost metabolism and oxidize fat.
  • Add a Little Zing: Some spices contain thermogenic properties that heat the body during mealtime, which can increase metabolism by as much as 50 percent. Replace salt with spices like ginger, chili pepper and turmeric to kick up the flavor and your rev your metabolism.
  • Eat More Regularly: Starving the body of quality nutrients or going on low-calorie diets causes muscle loss and results in a slower metabolism and long-term weight gain. 
  • Build Muscle: Yet another reason to pump iron and sculpt those long, lean muscles. Muscle burns three times more calories than fat, even when the body is at rest.
Eat these foods for a faster metabolism:
  • Grapefruit: Studies show that grapefruit can reduce insulin levels and lower insulin levels help the body process food more efficiently.
  • Broccoli: These tasty green spears contain calcium and vitamin C; which work as a team to help burn calories faster and effectively.
  • Rolled Oats: Oatmeal is another tasty treat for lowering insulin levels and speeding up the metabolism.
  • Salmon: Salmon burns fat and the omega-3s it contains make your metabolism work faster and more efficiently. (Actually, anything high in Omega-3’s works wonders for the metabolism.)