Wednesday, June 13, 2012

protein ice cream.....

Chocolate Protein Ice Cream
(I forgot to take a picture of it, so by now its a bit melted ;)

I found this ice cream recipe last week and had to try it! Here is the link to a video if you want to watch how to make it.
It completely filled my need for ice cream and you get an added 25 grams of protein in your day.

Nutrition: 165, calories, 25 grams of protein, 4g fat, 7 carbs

Ingredients: 1 scoop of protein powder 
1 tablespoon of coco 
1tsp of stevia
1 cup of almond milk 
bag of ice
1 cup of salt
a small zip lock
large zip lock

Steps: 1)Mix protein powder, coco, stevia and almond milk in a bowl, stir and pour into a 
small zip lock bag
2) Fill large zip lock bag half full of ice and pour in your cup of salt
3) Last put the small bag into the big bag and begin to shake
 4) Shake for 10 min (I shook for 15 min and still put it in the freezer for a bit, but I think my shaking bag didn't have enough ice)

Now enjoy your guilt free PROTEIN ICE CREAM

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