Wednesday, September 18, 2013

body oil....

So after living in Lubbock for over 5 years now, the DRY weather is really taking toll on my skin. I have tried every lotion out there and even tried prescription lotion and nothing really work until now!

It is SO easy and SUPER cost friendly. Just find a jar with an air tight lid and fill the jar equally with these three ingredients ( 1/3, 1/3, 1/3)

Their are so many skin benefits in these three oils. Here are just a few...... Coconut oil just an all around  amazing moisturizer. Jojoba oil is an anti bacterial infection fighter, anti inflammatory and an acne fighter. Last Grapeseed oil can minimize skin aging, its easily absorbed by the body, and can reduce skin/sun damage.  

**a little bonus once you have these oils in your cabinet not only can you use them on your skin but you can also cook with them and make an amazing hair mask! Just google :)


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this oil lotion. I made it myself after I tried Blair's and it has changed my skin. I also use it on my 2 year old son! It absorbs easily and smells lovely leaving the skin feeling and looking great! I highly recommend it!
