Monday, October 1, 2012

chocolate "chickpea" cookies........

 On Sunday I was having one of the jonesing for sugar Sunday's and knew I needed to find a new recipe to try before I gave into the bag of powder sugar donuts in my pantry ;) So that is when I came across this awesome recipe. Chocolate Chip cookies made out of Chickpeas (garbanzo beans).

I was a bit skeptical but they did not let me down in any way.  I will say for some reason I liked them more the day after then the day of. Not sure why??  Let me know what you think.

1 can of drained chickpeas
1/4 a cup of stevia baking sugar
1/3 cup of almond butter
(peanut butter works but it will make it SUPER nutty) to nutty for my liking
2 teaspoons of vanilla
1/8 tsp salt
SPLASH of milk (almond, soy, cow, whatever)
1/3 cup of dark chocolate chips
(next time I would smash mine a bit so the spread better through the mixture)

1.Preheat oven to 350.
2. Combine all ingredients ----- EXCEPT FOR CHOCOLATE CHIPS---- and mix in bowl. I used my hand blender to blend it all together and it worked great. I thought if I used my big blender it would be to hard to get the dough out.

3. Once no whole chickpeas remain, add chocolate chips
4. Spoon balls of cookie dough on a greased baking sheet.  Use the back of your spoon to flatten cookie because they do not flatten on their own
5. Bake for 20-25 min or until chocolate chips are melting
6. Remove and let cool


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